Secretariat of Federal Council Committee Members
List of Executive Committee
President – Chandra Bahadur Rai
Vice Presidents – Sumanchandra Rai, Jitendra Sampang Rai, Nilam Rai, Dil Kumar Rai & Anita Rai
General Secretary – Chandrawati Rai
Treasurer – Dhan Raj Rai
Deputy General Secretaries – Pramila Labung Rai & Binod Rai
Secretaries – Sumitra Rai, Jaya Rai, Ganesh Chandra Rai, Rojee Rai & Ganga Raj Rai
Deputy Treasurers – Sabitri Rai & Maha Rai
Executives Members: Rajendra Rai, Dhyan Bahadur Rai, Dev Rumdali Rai, Bhim Rai, Milan Chandra Rai Sandesh Rai, Dilli Keshar Rai, Dhan Rai, Prem Rai, Khilendra Rai, Ranjana Rai, Dilli Ram Rai, Sapta Raj Rai, Man Kumar Rai, Tilak Rai, Jai Prakash Sampang Rai, Jai Prakash Koyee Rai, Dilip Rai, Bikash Rai, Uma Rai, Pradip Rai, Ram Rai, Paruhang Rai & Prabin Rai.